Eric MATTER, Engineering and Commercial Director of Oil&Gas E&C Groups for the last 30 years
Home email address :
Mobile Nb +33780818082 (France) and +66 817010567 (Thailand, Whatsapp)
Website :
Published books : “Investments profitability, time value & risks analysis”, “Risk management in contracting business”
Education :
-1981, Engineer graduated “ENS Chimie”, Bordeaux , France (Chemical Engineering)
-1982, Engineer graduated “IGC”, Toulouse, France (Industrial Engineering)
-1984, MBA Finance/Administration from “IAE” Business School, University Paris I
Languages :Native French, fluent English, basics German, basics Indo-Malay
Experience Summary :
35 years experience in the Energy and Oil & Gas Engineering & Construction Industry as :
    •    Commercial Director for the last 15 years over Asia-Pacific

    •    CEO of an Int’l Engineering Company operating in Indonesia for 5 years
    •    Formerly Process Engineer, Project Manager then turnkey Projects Director, over France and Asia-Pacific
Background Engineering, discipline Process
Resident in Asia-Pacific from 1992 to 2020, assigned in Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, China and Thailand. Extensive knowledge of Regional Industry and active networks over Asia-Pacific (China, SEA, India, Australia).
Career performed in Technip, Sofresid, Saipem, Spie, Punj Lloyd & CNOOC
Main Clients as Key Accounts Manager : Total, PTT EP, CNOOC

    •    2021 – Present : Senior Advisor for business development at Spie Energy Services Asia-Pacific
    •    2019 - 2021 : Independent consultant for Marketing and Contracting in Energy - Oil&Gas over SEA
    •    2013 – 2019 : Commercial & Bus Dev Director at COOEC Int’l (CNOOC Group), based in Tianjin HQs, then Jakarta and Bangkok offices. Offshore EPCI Market watch and Business development worldwide with focus on Northern Europe, Mediterranean Sea and Asia-Pacific. Main achievements : Contracts negotiations and obtention of Yamal LNG Modules for Novatek/Total (US$ 2 Billion) in 2014, of Zawtika 1B in 2015 for PTTEP Myanmar (US$ 400 MM), start-up of Thai Branch business, cooperation contracts with most of Int’l Engineering Houses, Set-up of a Contractual and Commercial Risks analysis system.
    •    2011 – 2013 : Executive VP, Offshore Business Development Asia- Pacific at Punj Lloyd, based in Bangkok & Jakarta offices. Expansion of the new offshore business and assets monetization over SEA. Main achievements : Development of medium size business in Taiwan, Brunei, Indonesia and Thailand in Offshore construction and pipelay.
    •    2005 – 2011 : Commercial Director SEA at Saipem Asia, based in Jakarta, Singapore, Kuala-Lumpur, then Beijing. Commercial development of regional Offshore, LNG and pipelines activities
Main achievements : Contracts negotiations and obtention of North Belut Offsh.Pltf for Conoco Indonesia, Yadana WP3 Offsh.Pltf for Total Myanmar, Taichung offshore pipeline for CPC-Taiwan, and number of Offsh.Pltfs for Total Indonesie in Kalimantan.
    •    2001 -2005 : Founder-CEO of PT Sofresid Indonesia (Saipem Group) Grew a regional Oil & Gas Engineering Company, from “scratch” to 350 engineers and designers, main offices in Jakarta, branch in Balikpapan. Acted simultaneously as the commercial and contract Director. Main achievements : tendered and executed 20 engineering projects in cooperation with regional yards (Gunanusa, Nippon Steel) over SEA (Thailand, Myanmar, Indonesia). Became the preferred regional engineering of Total and PTTEP and one of the 3 cost-effective engineering centres of Saipem for global projects delocalization.
    •    2000-2001 : Managing Director of Bouygues-Offshore Singapore and PT Bouygues-Offshore Indonesia (now Saipem entities). Senior Management of the 2 subsidiaries of Bouygues-Offshore in SEA, after the take-over of Sofresid.
    •    1998 – 2000 : Project Director at Sofresid-Kvaerner Indonesia Tunu 7 Platform EPCI Project for Total Indonesie in consortium with Gunanusa yard, value over US$ 100 MM.
    •    1992 – 1997 : Project Manager at Supraco-Sofresid Indonesia Management of Offshore and Pipelines Engineering/Procurement Projects. -EPC 21 Project for Total Indonesie, US$ 21 MM, completed with profit -Jakarta-Balongan multi-product pipeline for Pertamina, PMC Project -Kertapati-Jambi multi-product pipeline for Pertamina, FEED and PMC -Balikpapan-Samarinda multi-product pipeline for Pertamina, FEED and PMC Project suspended due to 1997 economic crisis.
    •    1989 – 1992 : Project Manager at Sofresid France -Handil Offshore field for Total Indonesie. -Parentis Oil field extension for Esso France. -FEED of 3 offshore fields for IOOC-Iran.
    •    1984 – 1989 : Process Engineer at Technip France, based in Paris